
"Welcome! Thank you for joining my blog. I will be taking you to the farms, to the market, into my kitchen and into my life as the market manager!" ~Kiersten

Monday, July 16, 2012

Soap at the Market...

PureTouch Essentials Soap

You can find more than delicious produce, meats, fruits, and cheeses at the market. My family also enjoys staying clean with homemade soaps from PureTouch Essentials Soap. Jennifer Hill and her husband Jason bring amazing soaps to the market that they make in their home. Their soap is made using a Natural Cold Process. They also feature essential oils that benefit your skin. I am going to let you stop by and visit with Jennifer to get all of the details on the process and the specific oils she uses and I am going to skip right to telling you how much we love her soap.

I have three types of her soap in my bathtub that I rotate using just because I couldn't pick just one! My son and daughter have been using PureTouch Essentials Soap since they started coming to market and have their different scents all lined up for use. PureTouch Essentials Soap leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth. It has a great lather for your whole body! Yes it is great to clean your hands, but don't forget to take it over to the bath or shower to use there too! Or better yet just come up and get a second bar for the bath or shower!

Come up to the market tomorrow and pick up your favorite scent!

Lemongrass & Tea Tree
Milk & Honey
Tea Tree
Cherry Blossom
Oatmeal & Tea Tree
Black Amber & Lavender

The basic is $3.00 and all the others with Essential Oils are $4.00

Friday, July 6, 2012

Turkey in July....I think so!

Yes it is over 100 degrees outside and far from the cool weather of November, but Laura from Country Neighbors Farm had an extra turkey taking up room in her freezer and asked if I wanted one. I thought that sounded great so last week I brought home a 14 pound turkey from the market! 

Now that I had the turkey I had two problems: 
1. I have never cooked a turkey before...
2. It is over 100 degrees outside and I don't want to turn on the oven...

I started thawing the turkey when I came home from market Tuesday night and it was thawed and ready to cook Thursday. I solved both of my problems by treating the turkey like a chicken. I brined the turkey overnight with water, kosher salt, lemon juice and a little brown sugar. The next morning I rinsed the turkey and then rubbed it with olive oil and a little salt. coated the inside with about a 1/4 cup of honey. Then I fired up my grill (one side only) and put on the turkey breast down. Let it be for about one hour and then turned the turkey and glazed it with honey. After another hour I turned it again and glazed with honey. It took about 2.5 hours until it was completely done. Make sure you let it rest and cool off before you cut it up to enjoy. 

So when it is 100 degrees you can cook a turkey without heating up your house and it is delicious! So order an extra one from Laura...one for Thanksgiving and one for the summer! I believe she is taking orders for those holiday birds now!!!! 

Sides to go with Grilled Turkey in the summer: 

Fried Corn off the Cob 
Caleb came home from work the other day and said one of his co-workers was talking about fried corn and so we tried it. I would say it is a success and a great way to use up any extra ears of corn that are already cooked. 

3 slices of bacon
5-6 ears of corn with the corn cut off ( I used corn from the Kircher Farm...they will be back a market in a couple weeks)

Fry the bacon and leave the grease
Add the corn and cook until it has a crunch but is not crispy 

I added a some diced up patty pan squash from the market and cooked it right with the corn. I also crumbled the bacon and put it back in at the end. 

This was a wonderful side dish! 

Deviled Eggs
Hard boil eggs from Blue Bell Farm and cool 
Remove shells, slice in half and remove yolks
Mix the yolks with salt, pepper, mayo and a little mustard
Put the yolk mixture back into whites and serve