
"Welcome! Thank you for joining my blog. I will be taking you to the farms, to the market, into my kitchen and into my life as the market manager!" ~Kiersten

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A little rain goes a long way....

I remember opening day of the market this year we were worried that we were going to get rained out and I remember praying that it would stop raining by 3 so we could have market and all of our fun activities! If we had known then that we wouldn't get another good rain until September our prayers would have been a little different. This summer season has been hot and it seemed like Tuesday, our market day was consistently the hottest day of the week. The heat was relentless, but despite the weather our amazing farmers have had a bountiful crop of veggies and fruits this year along with filling their table with homemade goodies, meats and cheeses! The heat and dryness made the grasses brown and flowers have died, but thanks to good irrigation systems the farmers have maintained their crops. As I was driving into work today I was looking around and everywhere you look it is green. Three months of no rain is washed away with a good weekend of rain. Plants are amazing to sustain in the dry and then thrive in times of rain. Thank you to each vendor at the market that has worked so hard this year to keep their plants alive and have come out each week in the heat to make our market a great place to be on Tuesdays! As the summer season moves into fall I hope you all come out these last few weeks to support our local farmers because they work really hard to bring you the very best of their farms each week!

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