
"Welcome! Thank you for joining my blog. I will be taking you to the farms, to the market, into my kitchen and into my life as the market manager!" ~Kiersten

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Our amazing vendors...

I know I have talked about how amazing our vendors are before, but they are one of the greatest groups of people. We have started donating every other week to the Fayette Food Pantry! The vendors put together quite a donation each time for the food pantry that is serving 300+ families in the area. I have to admit that I had no idea there was that much need in the area and I am blown away that these farmers are willing to donate so much to those in need. We will have one more donation on the last market of the season on October 9th and then we will continue our donations again when we open in the spring. 

Pictured above are Derek Bryant from Blue Bell Farm, Donnice Dowell and her grandson from Windy Hill Produce, Laura Korte from Country Neighbors Farm, and Brittany and Kaleigh Sullivan from Sullivan Farms! We have also received donations from Mike of Hamptons Hilltop Orchard, but we couldn't convince him to join us in the picture! 

Check out all that delicious produce and meat! The farmers donated apples, hamburger, squash, tomatoes, swiss chard, melons, peppers and green beans. 

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