
"Welcome! Thank you for joining my blog. I will be taking you to the farms, to the market, into my kitchen and into my life as the market manager!" ~Kiersten

Friday, December 28, 2012

A year in review...

As the year draws to a close I am taking some time to reflect on 2012 and look forward to 2013.

As I look back at 2012, I am so thankful and appreciative of all of our vendors and customers. We started the summer season this year praying for the rain to stop for our opening day activities and then the rest of the summer praying for rain every day. It was such a hot summer, but our vendors and customers came out every Tuesday!

We tried to make the summer a little more enjoyable for the kids of the market by bringing water and squirt guns for them to play with at market! Man they had a good time. It made the heat a little more bearable to hear the laughter of the kids each week. There were a few markets that I was hoping they might "accidentally" hi me with water while playing, but no I don't think I single adult got wet all summer long!

We also tried to beat the heat with fun activities like the pie bake off, ice cream social, tomato festival, demonstrations and samples! A big thank you to all of our judges and contestants for the various contests! It was all delicious! One of the ways we raise money for the market is by selling the pie and ice cream after the judging is over. This year we sold out of almost all of the pie and I believe all of the ice cream. Thank you to those who donated their products for our fundraiser!

We also started selling lemonade, t-shirts and bags this year to help raise money for the market. Then at the end of the year we put together a cookbook of all of the yummy market recipes to sell as a fundraiser, too! Thank you to all of you who purchased any of our merchandise! Our biggest fundraiser of the year is our Farm to Table Dinner in the fall. It was so much fun this year and we have some big ideas for next year to make it even more fun! You are not going to want to miss it!

Now some of you may be wondering why we are doing fundraising....where does the money go? Well the fundraisers we do go to support the market paying for business expenses including marketing, insurance, licenses, etc. We also reserve a large portion of our budget for community projects like the school garden that we will be starting on in 2013. We want to continue to do more community projects and grow our market each year and through fundraising we will be able to reach those goals.

Thank you again to all of you who have supported us in 2012! I spoke with some of the people involved with AgriMissouri at the state level and they said they have heard a lot of good things about our market in Fayette! Talk about busting with pride! It is because of you that we have such a great reputation at that level!

Looking forward to 2013, I am very excited to get started putting together our annual meeting and then it will be full steam ahead into opening day! I hope you all have had a very Merry Christmas and I wish you all the best in 2013! Can't wait to see you all on the Courthouse Lawn in the spring!

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