
"Welcome! Thank you for joining my blog. I will be taking you to the farms, to the market, into my kitchen and into my life as the market manager!" ~Kiersten

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hamptons Hilltop Orchard

Let the adventures begin as I help you know your local farmer so you can know your food! My first farm visit was to Hamptons Hilltop Orchard! The day started out overcast and a little cool, but by the early afternoon when we arrived at the orchard the sun was out and it was a beautiful day. My new boots came in handy though because it was a little muddy :)

You will find Hamptons Hilltop Orchard at the end of one of the many gravel roads outside of Roanoke hidden behind a thick row of cedar trees. It was beautiful with the apple trees just starting to bloom. We were greeted by one of the many dogs that are a part of the family.  Mike and Julie Morgan are the owners of Hamptons Hilltop Orchard. They are a wonderful couple that do all of the work themselves around the orchard. Mike says, "...those trees are part of our family..." It was very obvious they love what they do just in the way that Mike took us on the tour of the orchard. The orchard has gala, zestar, jonathan, ultra gold-Suncrisp, and Fuji apples. They don't just stop at the 380 apple trees though. They are always up for trying new things and growing their operation.

Hamptons Hilltop Orchard is also home to two bee hives and will probably be adding a third hive this year. They have been making their own honey and may have enough this year to begin selling it! I got to take a bottle home with me and it was delicious! And do you think they stop at apples and honey....not a chance. They are interested in berries and are looking into different ways of expanding their season beyond apples.

As we toured the orchard I couldn't resist taking some photos of their animals, too! The horses followed us along the fence as we went to see the bees and the basset hounds sounded off letting everyone know we were there. They have five total I believe so it was a chorus!!!

As we ended the tour Mike showed us their little red wagon which is what they use to do all the work in the orchard. It took me back to my childhood having a little red wagon to pull and fill up with my treasures! Mike and Julie are all grown up, but still get to pull their red wagon and collect their treasures...apples! They will be joining us a the market starting in mid-August through October with all of their varieties of apples and may possibly have honey, too. My mouth is watering just thinking of biting into all of those crisp apples this fall!

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