
"Welcome! Thank you for joining my blog. I will be taking you to the farms, to the market, into my kitchen and into my life as the market manager!" ~Kiersten

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sandy Creek Farm

Cherries, peaches, apples, pears, pecans, apricots and blueberries keep Rhonda and Randy Thiessen busy at Sandy Creek Farm. It also makes for a beautiful view when they are all in bloom. I am not sure I would get much done if I had their view to enjoy! A blanket and great book in the middle of the orchard sounded perfect to me. Needless to say they work while enjoying the view. While we were there Randy was doing the trimming as Rhonda took us on our tour of the farm.

The various fruit trees are all so beautiful with their wide variety of blooms. The orchard was alive with colors of white, green and pink! Randy and Rhonda don't just tend to all of their trees in their orchard, the also have goats, chickens, a turkey and cats that round out their little piece of paradise! They had both mama and baby goats which were so cute and thought we had come to feed them. These little cuties are not just fun to watch, they are also their milk source. The chickens and turkey were checking us out, but not getting too close! It was idealistic to say the least. 
This year Sandy Creek Farm will be joining us starting in May with cherries. They have five varieties of cherries including sweet and the baking cherries that are more tart. Then the apricots if they have enough, peaches (23 varieties), blueberries, apples, pears, and pecans. I am looking forward to filling up my shopping basket with fresh fruit all summer long!

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