
"Welcome! Thank you for joining my blog. I will be taking you to the farms, to the market, into my kitchen and into my life as the market manager!" ~Kiersten

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Cooking experiments.....

Trying new things has never scared me in the kitchen. They key to that confidence is that you have to be ok if something you try goes wrong because it does sometimes. I thought I would start off this blog with sharing one experiment that did not work out and then a few that did work out delicious! 

When I got pie cherries a couple weeeks ago at the market I was very excited to make my first ever cherry jam. Yum! So I sat and pitted all the cherries. I had to share a few with my dog who loved them, but boy did he drool! :) I found a recipe online and got to work. All of the jam recipes are essentially the same  when they are made without pectin, which I didn't have on hand. This particular recipe said to cook at a simmer for 30-40 minutes. I did it for 30 minutes because it was at the right temperature. Excitedly poured it into the jar and sealed it up. When I heard my top "pop" a little later I was thinking I had just successfully made my first cherry jam. I woke up the next morning, made toast, opened up my newly made jam and it was as hard as a rock. Taste good, but there is no spreading this stuff! It happens. I got some more pie cherries from Sandy Creek Farm this past week so I will be trying this again! 

Ok, now some recipes that went great on the first go! 

Brisket in the oven..yes please! 
  • 1 Brisket from Nitty Gritty Dirt Farm
  • Olive oil
  • Homemade rub (1/4 cup Kosher salt, 1 tbsp garlic salt, 1 tsp pepper, 1tsp dry mustard, and 1/4 cup bbq spice..you need enough to cover your brisket so the amounts will vary a little)
  • Time
  • bbq sauce if you want
You have to plan a little in advance for this meal, which you probably all have figured out by now that I don't do very often! Thaw your brisket at least a day in advance of when you want to cook it and then the night before mix up your rub. Coat your brisket in olive oil and then get your hands dirty and put on the rub. Cover and place in your fridge to let those spices get to work! The next morning wrap your brisket in 4 layers of foil and place in a shallow pan to catch in juices. Put it in your oven on the lowest temp (175-200). Go to work or ignore it for the day. I put mine in at around 8ish and then took it out at 5ish. I opened it all up on the top and poured on a little bbq sauce and put it back in the oven for 30 minutes. Take it out and slice it up! Delicious! 

Homemade coleslaw for 2

You can get a cabbage in a lot of varieties and from a variety of vendors right now at the market. I love cabbage raw or cooked, but last night I made homemade coleslaw. 

1 head of cabbage (mine came from Elmtree Farm this time)
1 large carrot (shredded or sliced)

Dressing (You may have dressing left over, but I just stuck mine in the fridge to use another day)
1/8 cup apple cider vinegar
1/3 cup sugar
2 tbsp mayo
salt and pepper to taste

Mix up your dressing and let it hang out in the fridge while you chop up the cabbage and carrot. I thinly sliced the cabbage and sliced the carrot. Top with your dressing (to your taste) and then let it hang out in the fridge again until you are ready to eat. YUM!

We made sandwiches out of the brisket and enjoyed the coleslaw on the side last night for dinner! It was worth the extra planning! The bonus is there is enough brisket left over for at least two more meals!  What a great way to stretch your dollars....a meal for less than $5.00 for two!!!!

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