
"Welcome! Thank you for joining my blog. I will be taking you to the farms, to the market, into my kitchen and into my life as the market manager!" ~Kiersten

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Country Neighbors Farm......

Join me as I visit Country Neighbors Farm with my kids! 

Country Neighbors Farm can be found just outside of Fayette and it felt like going home to me. My Grandma who recently passed away raised sheep and I grew up loving visiting Grandmas house and going out to see the sheep especially the babies. So I asked Laura, owner of Country Neighbors Farm if it would be alright if my kids joined me on the farm visit. She agreed and so I got to visit an amazing farm, relive childhood memories and make memories with my kids! 

Country Neighbors Farm is home to chickens, turkeys, lambs, cattle and pigs. Lots of very happy animals. We got to check out the chickens and sheep on our visit. Turkeys were coming shortly after our visit so we didn't get to see them, but got to check out their homes. C.J. and Lily wanted to visit the chickens first so we headed across the pasture. 
As we were walking to see the chickens Lily says, "Kiersten it stinks a little." I replied by saying that when I was a little girl my Dad used to say it smells like money when I said it was stinky. She looks at me like I had lost my mind and without missing a beat says, "So farmers make money on stink?" That girl cracks me up and she had Laura laughing, too with that comment! She quickly forgot all about the smell as they looked at chickens.
The chickens are confined in open air homes that are moved daily so they are always on fresh grass. The chickens are watched over by Sadie, who after a bit of shyness was ready to play! C.J. would run across the field and Sadie had so much fun running with him! 

It was a sight to see all those mamas and 50-60 babies try to hide from us in the grass. The kids quickly figured out if 
they were quiet the babies would let them get close enough to pet them for a minute. Then we got to meet a very special little lamb that was not being cared for by his mama and Laura was trying to get a new Mama to take 
care of him. The kids decided that his name should be Willy, well Lily decided and C.J. agreed! She named him Willy because that is how she used to say her name when she was little.....she told Laura the whole story. They got to pet him and really wanted to bring him home. I have to admit I  wanted to bring him home, too! I grew up with a barn lot full of babies that we bottle fed when the mamas wouldn't or couldn't take care of them. We were all excited to hear that his adopted Mama was feeding him though the next day. Country Neighbors is a great place full of happy animals! Laura has a beautiful sustainable farm. Stop by the market on Tuesday and visit with Laura...she has delicious meat and great stories! 
What a great way to spend the afternoon....making memories with my kids! 

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