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Monday, June 25, 2012

Honey Recipes

After my experience extracting honey I had to come home and cook with it, too! We enjoy honey by the teaspoon straight from the bottle, but these are some great ways to enjoy honey in a meal!

Grilled Whole Chicken with Honey 
1 chicken from Country Neighbors Farm
1 jar of honey from Potterosa (you will not need the whole jar)
1 apple
olive oil, salt and pepper

I used a gas grill (if using charcoal you will have to have a cool spot for the chicken). My grill has a double burner so I turned on the burner to the right on med and the one on the left was off. Prepare your chicken by rubbing it with olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. Then I cut up an apple and stuffed it inside the bird along with a generous squirt of honey. Place chicken on the part of the grill that is not on and leave it alone for 40 minutes. After 40 minutes, turn the chicken and glaze with honey. Wait another 30 minutes and turn again and glaze with honey. Check the chicken at this point to see how close to done it is with a meat thermometer. At 180 degrees it is done.

Take your chicken off the grill and let it sit for 5-10 minutes before cutting. Add your favorite side dishes and you have a great meal!

Honey BBQ Chicken

Take your left over chicken from above and warm back up in a skillet with 1/2 cup BBQ sauce and about 1/4 cup honey. I served this with baked potatoes and sauteed zucchini and broccoli from the market!

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