
"Welcome! Thank you for joining my blog. I will be taking you to the farms, to the market, into my kitchen and into my life as the market manager!" ~Kiersten

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Beautiful Day....wonderful market!

What a beautiful windy day for market! It was 78 degrees yesterday afternoon as I walked around the square in Fayette getting ready for the market! I don't know about you but I am ready for spring. 

I started off my day today with a couple slices of bread (one from Nitty Gritty Dirt Farm and one from Annie's breads) topped with a little wine jelly from Sullivan Farms! Simple and delicious! And now I am all fueled up and ready to tell you all about the market last night and the yummy foods I brought home!

Pictured above is my overflowing shopping bag! I can't wait to start cooking!!!!!!
  • 2 bags of arugula and 1 dozen "Easter Eggs" from Blue Bell Farm 
  • 1 loaf of honey oat bread from Nitty Gritty Dirt Farm
  • 2 whole chickens, turkey sausage links, and lamb burger from Country Neighbors Farm
  • 1 jar white wine jelly from Sullivan Farm
  • 1 loaf of multiseed bread from Annie's Breads
  • Taum Sauk cheese, 1 dozen eggs, and 1 bag of Spinach from Guy and Abbey Schlapper
Even with my overflowing shopping bag I still didn't get one of everything! Let's go around the market!

Country Neighbors Farm had lamb, whole chickens, turkey sausage and burger. Laura sold out of her lamb, but she will have more this summer! She also had a great recipe for chicken and dumplings available for all of her customers. I am going to have to add it to my list of recipes to try soon.

Blue Bell Farm had both arugula and kale mixes, "Easter Eggs", photo cards and seed bombs! With the warmers weather outside a fresh salad sure hits the spot!

Nitty Gritty Dirt Farm just butchered so they had all cuts of beef, homemade soaps, fresh eggs, honey oat and three seed bread. Cathy also keeps our email list so if you are not on it please stop by and see her the next market to get signed up!

Sullivan Farms had a table full of delicious jelly and GMO free eggs. Some of their jellies this week included; blueberry nector, jalapeno, red wine, white wine, blueberry pomegranate, and cranberry.
Guy and Abbey Schlapper had fresh eggs, spinach, and Taum Sauk cheese. Sounds like breakfast to me!

Annie's Breads brought two varieties of bread this week. Jessica had honey oat and multiseed bread.

We had a new vendor come to see what the market is all about and to get signed up for the summer season! Jennifer Hill is starting to make essential oil soaps and her business is PureTouch Essentials Soap. We are excited to have her join us this summer and look forward to seeing her on May 1st! 

We had a very special birthday to celebrate after the market yesterday, Kaleigh turned 6 so we all had dinner and cake together to celebrate! One of the greatest things about our market is that we are a family, too! She wanted to have a party with her "Farmers Market Family" and we couldn't of been more excited to get to celebrate with her too! Happy Birthday Kaleigh!!!!! 

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