
"Welcome! Thank you for joining my blog. I will be taking you to the farms, to the market, into my kitchen and into my life as the market manager!" ~Kiersten

Friday, March 23, 2012

Final winter market...look what I stocked up on...

Our final winter market was busy as usual! We are so thankful to all of our customers who have supported us throughout this winter market season! We feel like it was very successful! We are also very thankful for the gals at Market Street Floral and Tea Time Bakery for letting us use their space for our winter market!

I did a little stocking up since it will be a month before the Opening Day of the summer market. It still amazes me that I have four fresh bags of lettuce mix and spinach from Blue Bell Farm in my fridge right now. Fresh salads all winter long has been a real treat for me!  I also brought home two loaves of honey oat bread and beef from Nitty Gritty Dirt Farm, five dozen eggs from Blue Bell Farm, Happy Burger from Country Neighbors Farm, and Mango Tango jelly from Sullivan Farms. There are some delicious meal ideas and recipes coming your way!

Now let's go back to our final winter market. 
You have all seen the vendors tables in my other blogs so this week I thought I would share a few photos of why the market is so great....the people!!!! 

Once the market opens you will hear laughter and talking fill up the building! Yes we are selling our goods, but we are also building relationships with our customers. We enjoy our customers and love getting to know them and their families.  It is also so great that our vendors that are not participating in the winter market are coming out to shop and catch up as well! If you know your farmer, you know your food which is very important when the USDA and FDA are saying that "pink slime" is ok in our hamburger that we serve to our children in school and buy in the grocery stores. If you haven't come out and met you local farmer, May 1st would be the perfect day to start building that relationship so you too can know your food!!!!!

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