
"Welcome! Thank you for joining my blog. I will be taking you to the farms, to the market, into my kitchen and into my life as the market manager!" ~Kiersten

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Beef it's what's for dinner...

Last night for dinner I tried a new recipe and I think it might be a new favorite!!!! I made Italian Beef for the first time. When I am searching for a new recipe I always start with my cookbooks or allrecipes.com and search for a recipe. I look at multiple variations on the recipe and then use what I have available to make my own creation. I think this is an inherited trait because my mom rarely uses recipes or if she does she never measures anything! ;) So back to the dinner....here it is...

Italian Beef
1 Roast from Nitty Gritty Dirt Farm 
2 packets of italian dressing seasoning mix or your own mix 
1 jar of pepperoncini peppers
1 can of beer (could substitute beef broth)
Garlic salt 
3 tablespoons butter 

Get your crockpot ready! Place the beer, half the jar of pepperoncini peppers and half the juice, packets of italian mix, garlic salt to taste and mix. Put in the roast (mine was still frozen). Add the butter on top of the roast. Cover and cook on high for 6-8 hours. (Note: If you think ahead more than I did you could cook on low if the roast is thawed) Shred beef when it is done. Make sure to save some of the juice for dipping! I toasted mini potato rolls and we made sandwiches out of the meat!

We enjoyed these amazing sandwiches with homemade mac and cheese and salads! Yum! This meat was so tender and juicy! We had this for dinner last night with all four of us. Caleb and I enjoyed it for dinner again tonight and I will be putting the rest in the freezer to enjoy later! If you need to feed a big crew this is a super easy meal that all will enjoy! 

I am so excited for market next week! I hope you all have your shopping lists ready to try some of these yummy meals! 

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