
"Welcome! Thank you for joining my blog. I will be taking you to the farms, to the market, into my kitchen and into my life as the market manager!" ~Kiersten

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Look what I brought home this week....

How good does all of that look?!!!! This week I brought home all kinds of yummy foods and have already done a little cooking with some of them that I will share with you later. I made sure to wait to take my photo this week until I had everything so what you see above is what I brought home!!!!

My family gets to enjoy cinnamon rolls and oatmeal honey bread from Sandy Boulden, blueberry pomegranate jelly and cake pops from Sullivan Farms, chicken and turkey sausage from Country Neighbors Farm, arugula and "Easter Eggs" from Blue Bell Farm, and flaxseed bread from Annie's Bread. I am so excited to enjoy all of these products and we actually started last night with our dinner.

 Dinner last night was delicious and so easy to make because I used my crockpot again! We had roasted chicken with potatoes, arugula salad, and breads from the market! Yum! I intended to photograph the chicken all together right out of the crockpot, but it was so tender when I tried to pick it up it just fell right off the bone....can't complain about that problem.

Farmers Market Chicken
1 Chicken from Country Neighbors Farm (leave it out to thaw)
1/2 of an onion sliced
2 tbsp butter
salt and pepper to taste
1 cup chicken stock (I used some that I had frozen last time I made a chicken)
3-4 potatoes chopped
2 tsp apple cider jelly from Sullivan Farms

I got my chicken on Tuesday night and left it out to thaw to use it Wednesday. Place your chicken in the crockpot. Use slightly melted butter to spread all over chicken (it doesn't take very much) and then put the rest of the butter inside the chicken. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste...I used about a tsp of salt and 1/2 tsp of pepper. Place jelly on top of chicken. Put sliced onion all around the chicken and then I put the frozen chicken stock right beside the chicken (if your stock is not frozen wait about an hour before you put it in). Using the frozen stock or waiting a little bit to put it in lets the onions get a little caramelized before they begin to soak. Turn crockpot on low and cover with lid. I started the chicken at about 8:30 am. Then at 1ish I added the potatoes and a little water so they were almost  covered. Then let it cook for about 5 more hours. (I am sure you could put the potatoes in first thing and it would be fine if you are going to be gone all day). Remove chicken and plate. Make sure to leave the bones in the crockpot.

Take out the potatoes and onions and top them with a little garlic salt and parsley!

If you want to make your own stock, leave bones and juices in the crockpot and turn back on to high and let it cook down for about 4 hours. Pour stock and bones through a wire strainer so you are left with only liquid. Cool and put into freezer bags. I do about a cup per bag. Freeze to enjoy later.

You can get delicious arugula from Blue Bell Farm and as I have said before on here...there is nothing better than a summer fresh salad in the middle of winter! For our arugula salad last night I topped it with sliced red onion, almonds, and golden raisins. Then I made my own vinegar and oil based dressing. I have not perfected it so I will add it when I do....Jamie from Blue Bell Farm makes a great one so I am trying to get one similar! The basic ingredients are vinegar, olive oil, honey (mine comes from Potterosa), salt and pepper. I will share this recipe once we get one perfected! If you come up with a great one please share it with us!

To complete our amazing meal I sliced up some oatmeal honey bread from Sandy Boulden and flaxseed bread from Annie's Bread! Amazing!

So if you love my dinner idea here is your shopping list for March 6th when you come to the market:

  • 1 chicken from Country Neighbors Farm
  • 1 bag of arugula from Blue Bell Farm
  • 1 jar of apple cider jelly from Sullivan Farms
  • 1 loaf of oatmeal honey bread from Sandy Boulden 
  • 1 loaf of flaxseed bread from Annie's Bread
Happy shopping and happy cooking...

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