
"Welcome! Thank you for joining my blog. I will be taking you to the farms, to the market, into my kitchen and into my life as the market manager!" ~Kiersten

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 7th Market

Look at all the yummy food I got at the market last night. The cooler full of meat did not make it into the picture and I also got another loaf of bread at the very end of the market that is not pictured! What you do see are fresh eggs, blue cheese, pesto, mango peach jelly, three seed bread, arugula, kale, a cinnamon roll, and seed bombs for the kids for Valentine's Day! I also picked up a couple cake pops from Sullivan Farms that did not get in the picture...those are for Valentine's too! I am so excited to start cooking this week. You are going to love the recipes that are coming! 

Now that you saw what I brought home, let me take you back to the market! These are just a few of the pictures from the evening (I thought I took a lot of pictures, but I didn't have near enough so I will be taking more pictures next time!) and in my words I am taking you through the market.

Sullivan Farms was there with their jellies. If you haven't tried some of them you should! My family would only eat grape jelly until I brought home some of these. Now some of their favorites are Blueberry Pomegranate, apple cider, and mango peach! Delicious! They also brought cake pops for the first time. These looked amazing! I bought them for the kids so I haven't tried them yet, but I saw a lot of people walking around shopping and enjoying a cake pop. And they had GMO Free eggs and sold out before the market was over!

Blue Bell Farms had their "Easter Eggs". Each carton comes with three different colors of eggs. My kids love picking their egg for breakfast in the mornings or while we are baking! They also had arugula and kale! I will be making some meals with these later this week. Blue Bell Farms also brought seed bombs for the Valentine holiday. These little packages were made to look like robins nest with eggs or heart cookies! Do not eat these though!!!! They are for planting in the spring and are full of flower seeds! Happy Valentine's Day to my kids....they will get to enjoy these all summer long.

 Sandy Boulden mills her own flour from wheat for her cinnamon rolls and bread! Yum! Her cinnamon rolls come packages individually or in packages of three. Beware you will want to eat them all they are so delicious! Her bread is great for sandwiches or all by itself. I enjoy it for breakfast with a little honey on it!

Guy and Abby had a large variety of Goatsbeard cheese and pesto they were selling! If you haven't tried some of the chesse it is amazing! I will be enjoying blue cheese crumbles on lots of dishes this week.   And the pesto....quick tip.....put the pesto in with some burger when you make hamburgers! Most amazing hamburgers you will ever have....my kids call them the best burgers. It's what we are having for dinner tonight!

Country Neighbors Farm was there with her chickens, lamb and turkey sausage! Did you know that per ounce lamb is less expensive than specialty chocolate? I didn't know that until last night! I took home some turkey sausage and will be using it in a dish with the kale from Blue Bell Farms (recipe will be coming later this week). Whether
you want dinner for tonight or stock up your freezer....our meat vendors can help you!

Our other meat vendor is Nitty Gritty Dirt Farm and Cathy was there with her beef, eggs, soaps, and breads. I brought home a cooler full of meat and I am so excited...some of the cuts that I brought home includes burger (which I will be using tonight for dinner), steaks, short ribs, roast...and much more! I will also be enjoying three seed bread which is both delicious and healthy! Last market I got some of Cathy's soap for the kitchen that takes stains and smells off of your hands! Love it....no more garlic hands after cooking dinner for me!

We had a new vendor last night, Patricia Fischer and we are so excited to have her with us! Hopefully her husband will join us on the 21st too! They are making chocolates.......I mean really making chocolate by grinding their own beans and the whole process. I can't wait to sit down and talk to them so I can tell you all more about their entire process. I did get to try a few pieces and yum! It is so sweet and delicious!

Teri Linneman was there with her gluten free bread and brownies this week! Gluten free is relatively new to the market so we need to get the word out that we now have delicious gluten free baked good available. I have tried her bread and it is delicious. She sells it already sliced up for you....it doesn't get any easier than that! She has had both brownies and cakes available at different markets so you just never know what sweet goody you might be able to get along with your gluten free bread!

So that is a walk around the market! If you joined us last night you got to experience it all first hand, but if you missed it I hope this gives you an idea of how great our market is and makes you go ahead and mark your calendar for our next market which is February 21st! You don't want to miss the fun or the food! I hope you have a great week and make sure you check back as I take you into my kitchen this week!

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