
"Welcome! Thank you for joining my blog. I will be taking you to the farms, to the market, into my kitchen and into my life as the market manager!" ~Kiersten

Friday, February 10, 2012

Let the cooking begin....

One of my favorite parts of the farmers market is cooking! I told you I would take you into my kitchen and to the dinner table so here we go. 

Our first farmers market meal was on Wednesday night and it was "Yummy Burgers". These burgers are the best and in our house they are referred to as yummy burgers by everyone! (Thank you Cathy for the heads up on this combo)

Yummy Burgers
1 lb hamburger from Nitty Gritty Dirt Farm 
1/2 container pesto from Guy and Abby 
Cheese of choice (kids love american...I personally like blue cheese crumbles from Goatsbeard)
Hamburger buns or bread of choice

Mix burger and pesto together. Form patties and grill or prepare in skillet if it is too cold for the grill! Top with your favorite cheese and toppings. Enjoy! 

Next up is one of my favorite meals and it is a very special treat in February. Fresh arugula salad! This one can be done anyway you enjoy salad, but here is how I like it! 

Arugula Salad
Fresh Arugula from Blue Bell Farms
Blue cheese and/or feta from Goatsbeard
chicken (roasted earlier in the week from Country Neighbors Specialty Meats)
golden raisins
topped with honey mustard dressing

I actually have enjoyed this salad a couple times this week and will be enjoying it for lunch next week too! 

Next up is another recipe given by Cathy, but I have modified it a little. It is a great one-dish dinner! 

1 lb Turkey sausage from Country Neighbors Specialty Meats
1 can white northern beans
1 bag kale from Blue Bell Farms
1/2 cup shredded cheese of your choice

Brown sausage, add beans and season to taste. Then I top with a little shredded cheese. Add kale and wilt down like you would spinach. We had it with sliced bread from Sandy Boulden. It was a delicious dinner. 

We have only enjoyed about a third of what we got from the market Tuesday! So there will be more posts to come full of recipes and ideas. Enjoy your weekend and happy cooking! 

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